Reflections on Starting a Home-Based Braiding Business: Key Mistakes and Lessons Learned

Reflections on Starting a Home-Based Braiding Business: Key Mistakes and Lessons Learned

Dear Aspiring Braider,


  Please don't make the same mistakes I did! So, you're thinking about taking a chance on yourself and making braiding your business? Well, first off thank you for taking the time to read my insights & experience, and I hope that by sharing my story and experiences, it empowers you to be better prepared and equipped to launch or grow your braiding business. I also hope it enables you to become a successful Braider and Business Owner. I'm going to share with you the three biggest mistakes I made starting out and the valuable lessons I learned from them.

  1. Undercharging for Services: One of the most significant mistakes I made was undercharging for my braiding services. When you first start braiding, you may think, "Well, I can't charge that much because I'm a beginner, and my braids don't look that great yet." So, at that moment, logically (or so I thought), I priced my services significantly lower than braiders in the area in an attempt to:


  1. Build a portfolio
  2. Book a ton of clients
  3. Somewhat cover my ass if I messed up on someone's hair (just being honest).

This led to a cycle of undercharging because when someone referred me, I felt I couldn't just drastically increase the price. Especially when the person who referred them, 9 times out of 10, bragged about the price. My lesson learned here: If you aren't comfortable starting out with the number you see yourself charging in 6-9 months, then make it clear you're offering a special or discount, but be sure to emphasize the regular price is "$$$".


2. Neglecting to Collect and Track Client Feedback: Early on, I overlooked the importance of collecting and tracking client feedback. I was mainly focused on taking photos to build my portfolio and promoting to get more clients, but I failed to take the time to document my clients' feedback. There's a lot of value in knowing what a client likes and dislikes (from the service experience to the final look). Clients notice and know things that us Braiders may not. Once I started collecting these compliments and critiques, I was able to address specific areas my clients wanted me to improve and showcase the things they loved too. In turn, both helped me attract more clients. I highly recommend you use this feedback to your advantage as it will set you apart from other Braiders. Lesson learned: Regularly collecting client feedback is crucial for identifying areas of improvement, enhancing customer satisfaction, and refining your braiding techniques.


3.Underestimating Service Time: (Whewww chile! Being honest, this one still gets me sometimes to this day.) Starting out, service times will usually take longer than someone who's been doing this for years, and that's understandable. Also, when trying new styles or unexpected issues arise, they may slow down progress and easily throw you off schedule. However, it's important to communicate with clients that end times and estimates are not guaranteed. Starting out, I thought I would sound crazy telling a client their hair would take about 8 hours, but what was even crazier was telling them that we could probably get done in 5 hours, and then 9 hours later, we're finally done. Lesson learned: It's better to set the expectation with an overestimated service time rather than underestimating it. Also, learn to pace yourself and estimate how much time is left based on a specific point in the style. This will help prevent unnecessary stress.


    In conclusion, starting a braiding business is an exciting journey filled with valuable lessons. By avoiding the mistakes I made, you can position yourself for success. Remember not to undercharge for your services, as it undermines your value and creates a cycle that's hard to break. Collecting and tracking client feedback is crucial for improvement and attracting more customers. Additionally, accurately estimating service time and effectively communicating with clients will help you manage expectations and prevent unnecessary stress. Embrace these lessons and empower yourself to become a thriving braider and business owner. Best of luck on your entrepreneurial path!


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    1 comment

    Just finished reading your intro very well said. Every point was made and covered. Site looks nice and now I’ve got to get this ebook. Congratulations to you Kay-Janee!!!


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